Sunday, August 21, 2011

Cyber bullying

In today's society, cyber bullies are everywhere, hiding behind a mask of anonymity and sending hurtful comments from behind a laptop/desktop screen. It is a very serious problem, and can cause much psychological harm to the victim, resulting in effects such as depression for the victim. The victim would also certainty suffer from low self esteem, a long term effect which will affect the victim's future life. Therefore, I feel that it should be stopped at all costs.

Firstly, cyber bullying can cause problems such as depression in the victim, which might then lead to a suicide. In recent years, there has been an increasing spate of cases of suicide, due to cyber bullying by classmates. Sometimes, the bullying is due to the pent up anger/stress inside the bully, and thus he/she releases it by taking pleasure from hurting others. However, this is the wrong way to relieve stress. Though the bullies might feel relieved, the victims do not. Action must be taken against cyber bullying, to ensure that this is prevented.

Additionally, the victims suffer from long term effects such as low self esteem, which can then affect them in their future, causing them to become timid or affecting their school/work performance. Also, the victims sometimes turn into bullies themselves, due to their low self esteem, hence they want to establish superiority over something to prove that they are strong. This will not be good, as how can our society progress if it is made up of just bullies and victims? Therefore, cyber bullying should be stopped.

In conclusion, bullying should be stopped at all costs. It harms our society by reducing the number of talented workers we have, as well as cause tragedies to happen, in the form of suicides or shootings.Quoting Randy Harrison,"The bullying stopped once I claimed myself and proved that I wasn't afraid. A lot of it was when I was hiding when I was younger." If the victims of bullying stop hiding and start seeking help, bullying can be eliminated.

1 comment:

  1. Just to clarify something, I don't quite see how bullying reduces the number of talented workers. Maybe you should try to link that up.

    Also, if we do not stop the bullies from bullying, then they will just assume that they are not doing anything wrong and carry on bullying, which may also influence more people to start bullying others as well. This will result in even more bullies, which is definitely very bad for us.
