Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The world's biggest bun fight

I was just surfing through the internet when I found this article about the Cheung Chau Bun Carnival, which looked very interesting. 

The Cheung Chau Bun Carnival is held on the island of Cheung Chau, and coincides with Buddha's birthday and a public holiday in Hong Kong. Being such a popular event, it attracts thousands of visitors to the island, all wanting to join in the festive atmosphere, watching the performances and buying souvenirs.

The scaling of a 'bun mountain' is the main part of the Cheung Chau Bun carnival, and in this game, participants are supposed to collect as many buns as they can and reach the top of the bun mountain, all in just two minutes. For safely purposes, the buns are covered in plastic, and the audience is watching from a safe distance.

This event is the first of its kind in the world, and this unique event attracts tons of curious visitors to the island of Cheung Chau, turning it into a lively island. This is definitely an event not to be missed, and if I have the chance, I will definitely go there the next time.

How do I define normal?

Normal is a measure of what is acceptable in current society. People who fit in society are called normal people, while other people are called abnormal. People called abnormal are just a minority who have some traits different from the majority of normal people, like differences in their attitude, beliefs, physical traits etc.

When it comes to evaluating if a person is normal or not, I use myself as the basis of comparison. If that person is too different from me, in his actions or behavior, I will think that he is weird/abnormal, while if that person has some similarities to me, I will feel that he/she is a normal person. 

However, focusing too much on normality may cause people to have to do things that they do not want to. Just because  "Everyone is doing it" does not mean that one has to do it as well. However, many people are influenced by this, and may end up doing things that they do not want to do, like stealing just because all my friends do it etc.

Also, people feel that they have the right to criticize others, just because they are different. However, there is bound to be people who act differently, and even if they are different, one still doesn't have to right to ridicule others.

In summary, I feel that the definition of normality depends on the current society and the person himself/herself. Also, focusing too much on normality, and doing things because others are doing it is not a valid reason. Also, no one has the right to criticize or ridicule people who are different, as there are bound to be people who are different from oneself.